Sep 2, 2016

Not every home improvement project has to cost you an arm and a leg. In fact, there are plenty of simple, inexpensive, and creative DIY projects you can use to renovate it, add color, revitalize surfaces, and over all- give that old dingy bathroom a quick face-lift.



1. ReFinish Bathtub

inexpensive bathroom renovations

If your bathtub is starting to look a little... dingy, then consider refinishing it! You can do it yourself in just a couple hours. The results make a HUGE difference in the over all look and feel of your bathroom. Afterall, the bathtub is one of the main focal points of the space!

You can pick up a refinishing kit from most big box retailers for less than $40. (far larger tubs, you may need two qt. containers, which are around $25 each)

tub refinisher

 Rustoleum makes a very highly rated home kit for bathrub resurfacing. You can get this kit at Home Depot, Lowes and most other big box retailers. 


2. Recaulk Bathtub/shower

Another quick and inexpensive way to renovate your bathroom is to apply a new coat of caulk to the spaces between the tub and the wall, and the toilet and the floor. It seems like a tiny detail that no one would notice, but it is one that really makes a difference.

inexpensive DIY Bathroom

3. Frame Your Mirror

inexpensive bathroom project reframe mirror

Another relatively inexpensive way to renovate your bathroom is to frame your vanity mirror. To save even more, is to use wood from salvage material such as old desks, tables, shelving, etc.). Those standard industrial mirrors are great, but there is much room for improvement when it comes to style. 

4. Add an Accent wall

inexpensive bathroom renovation accent wall

An accent wall is a simple, inexpensive way to revamp your bathroom. Whether you choose to do a simple coat of paint, or use stick on tile (like the image above), and accent wall can be finished in the matter of just a few hours, and can breathe new life into any drab bathroom design. 


5. Replace Your Sink Faucet

inexpensive bathroom renovation sink

Outdated hardware is one of the number one ways to make an entire bathroom seem old and dated. A new sink faucet may cost you around $100-$150, but the impact that it will have on the rest of your bathroom is huge. If you can, also consider replacing all of the hardware in the bathroom. This includes cabinet pulls, faucets, stoppers, and overflow covers. All of which can be purchased at your local hardware, all are relatively simple to install, and all are an inexpensive way to renovate your bathroom.

6. Repaint Your Bathroom Cabinets

inexpensive bathroom renovation pain cabinets

If you are like most people in the country, then you have some form of cabinet in your bathroom, and chances are, they are brown. There are definitely styles in which the natural color of wood is very fitting. However, if you're looking for an inexpensive way to renovate your bathroom, then painting those cabinets is a great option. Freshly painted cabinets not only look nicer, they can also make a room look larger, or be that pop of color that makes a statement in your bathroom. Popular colors for painting bathroom cabinets are black, charcoal, white, and deep brown. All of which are excellent choices, depending on your bathroom's existing color scheme. 


7. Make a Shelving For Your Towels

inexpensive bathroom renovations basket organizers

Storage is often a problem in the bathroom, especially for those of us who are renters. This is a great solution that takes moments, costs basically nothing, looks great and adds storage space to your bathroom that can be easily removed if need be. All you need are some baskets, 2-4 drywall screws (depending on how large the basket it and how much weight it is eventually going to bear). Simply use  the screws into the bottom of the basket and into the wall. Easy. Fast. Inexpensive bathroom renovation anyone can do!

8. Replace Light Fixtures

inexpensive bathroom renovation light fixtures

It is all about lighting. The lighting dictates the mood and feel of your bathroom space. Replace that standard, boring bar or bare bulbs! The cost of lighting fixtures can vary greatly - but there are a ton of fantastic options that won't cost you an arm and a leg. 

As an added bonus, if you want to get that "light behind the mirror" look, stop by your local target, and grab some rope lights. Put the lights just under the outer edge of your framed mirror, and voila! You can capture the look for less than $50 (provided your bathroom mirrors are already framed)


9. Mason Jar Organization

inexpensive bathroom renovation mason jar org

We arrive again at organization on our journey of 10 inexpensive ways to renovate your bathroom. The great thing about using mason jars for organization, is that you can design them however you want with very minimal effort! Whether you give them a stripe of chalkboard paint, use glass staining, or give them a nautical theme; mason jars are a design element that is easy to change and can really bring the style of your bathroom together. And, as an added bonus, you can keep all of your bathroom trinkets organized and easy to get to without having to fumble around to find! Win win!


10. Replace Boring Towel Rod 

inexpensive bathroom renovation towel rack

Nix the standard bathroom towel rack, and put up something of your own design. Much like mason jars, towel racks are a great design element to use when you tie a room together. The design possibilities are endless! Get creative, and you can finish this easy bathroom renovation in a weekend. 

You can still make a huge impact on your bathroom without remodeling!

Bathrooms have so many elements that can be changed and manipulated in such a small space, that it is easy to find a completely new style in a short time. Bathrooms have the distinct advantage of being smaller than other rooms in your house or apartment, so they will cost less to paint, cost less in tile, and in time to revamp. This is our list of 10 inexpensive ways to renovate your bathroom. Enjoy!